my interwebz has been down as of late and i've been really sad! i'm an internet whore and its super hard getting by without my facebook and my twitter. i don't use an iphone or a bb with an interwebz plan so.. OMG. really torturous. especially since this week's URBAN was all about interweb shopping!
i have to say, internet shopping to me, is one of the most tedious and scary things in the world. firstly, i know FIRST HAND how EASY it is to spend plastic, i hate forking out cash for an item and then looking into my wallet to find it empty. i'll feel poor. so i end up abusing my plastic, and then get the fright of my life the next time i go to the ATM to draw cash. if i have this problem IRL how will i fare in virtual land? -shudder.
secondly, the fit. i do NOT understand, how anyone, can buy clothes online unless you already have visited the store and know the general cut of the clothes, for example: River Island and MANGO's clothes fit me very well most of the time.
i mean, what if you get the dress and it looks terrible! sure you can send it back nowadays, but what if you CAN'T and what if you have to pay for shipping back? Die Lah. i know some people are just like, its $20 wear once or twice can already Lah. if you add up, 5 dresses that looked terrible and you stop wearing them, thats $100 that could have gone to a damn good pair of heels (on sale). and yes i know there are measurements, but thats for size, not for your body proportion to the size. just because i get a dress i like in my size does not mean its gonna look good on me.
thirdly, clicking. okay maybe cause my internet is slow so i guess this only applies to me. going from page to page to Page to PAGE to find anything relatively close to nice kills my patience quota for the day in about 10 minutes. BUT again, i think this only applies to me because i don't know any blogshops/ online boutiques that have things i like.
fourthly, THE QUALITY. wah this one can die la okay. got loose thread here, shitty material etc etc. wtheck. YOU NEVER KNOW. unless you of course think its fine to drop over a hundred dollars online to pay for Quality, on something You Have Never Seen. i could never drop a three figure sum on something I Have Never Laid Eyes On.
so again. maybe its just me.
HOWEVER. i do think that for accessories and bags online shopping is fine, i mean you see a picture and thats what you get, quite hard to bluff your way out of bags and necklaces. but if you're like buying a ring, the size, how?!
so far. i have seen plenty of things i would die to have online, but all of these fall into the three figure range so, until i get myself a job, i'll leave interwebz shopping to the Brave.
(also it's always puzzled me how people can buy things like shoes online :/ )
In tribute to my very dead internet. Skeletons! i like skeletons and very... sadistic things. Granted i realise that the fond-ness of said objects is not wide-spread.
Its not all about gore and guts spilling out, i mean it tastefully. (well i mean as tasteful and one can get when one gets Literal)
so here are again, things i would own if i was Bill Gate's Lovechild.

YOU'RE FUNNY. imma bookmark you.
babe! i tried to accept the invitation but they said. "We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request." wth?? :( Gina here