Monday, April 25, 2011

Jeremy Scott shoes @ Soul Club

So I went down to Soul club (old supperclub) last thursday cause there was to be a runway show, the Limited Edition Kicks fashion show, featuring shoes and stuff by Adidas, Nike, Puma and a few others.

I went there with the intention to BUY, IF they had the shoes I wanted. I have been raving about this pair since I got back from Europe cause I only found out of its existence when I saw my friend walking around with GlowInTheDark shoes, by Nike.

I later found out that adidas have just released a pair, and even better? with wings. because they're by Jeremy Scott.
WAH. seriously, could you imagine a cooler shoe?

look at thoses babies go.

So I went online to hunt for this shoe and came back super disheartened, because I had missed the shoe coming to singapore by, 2 weeks. seriously. omg. and now if I still want the pair, of course I could get it, but at $350 ish USD? money which, simply put, I literally do not have.

So I went to this show at soul hoping and praying they had it, sadly, when I got there I didn't see it. I did however see the see-through adidas by JS, on display.

collected from sneakernews

When I saw this pair online for the first time, I was like, ZOMG SO KEWLS. but then I realised after, no one would really notice you have transparent shoes on, because you would be wearing socks, and ontop of that you can't wear ratty socks cause everyone would be able to see the holes in them.
not sexy.

but its still a sexy shoe, I would wear it out in a heartbeat.

here are a few pictures of the show, courtesy from the girls at Lolitalane
I sadly didn't think to bring my camera that night, was too preoccupied with thinking about the possibility of getting the shoes I wanted.

WING-ED JS VEST OMG. so so pretty. like a frikkin' angel.
see through FBTs 0_0the overall feel of the show, was very....
all the words that you would expect.

some of the models were great though, really getting into whole mood and bringing the energy up.
the stylist was super bright colours and at one point, some of the models came out in boxers and such. not too sure where that was going.
the make up, was super amazing though.

Claris from Lolitalane was wearing the Pink Bears by JS.
I think the bears are adorable and all, but I wouldn't push it by wearing the pink version of this shoe. the brown ones would do fine.
they gave this pair of shoes to the best girl dancer that night, which obviously wasn't me. so. boo.
the night was fun. would have been awesome to win the shoes, so I could sell them, and buy my glow in the dark jeremy scotts. :3
shallt stop complaining.


to finish this post off, would just like to share a couple of the things I've loved from adidas,

I don't know how to express how much I love this hoodie, when I was young, all I wanted to do was get a full back of angel wings tattooed, I kinda still do.

I've still always had this obsession with wings, freedom and this hoodie totally would do it for me. like love.


another thing I found from adidas, and mind you I saw this one in real life, and loved it. not realising what it was.

its like. ohmygawdwhatthefuck kinda cute. I saw it going for like 700 euros though, I later went home to search for information on it.

This was a special edition done for Vday.

its just so frikkin adorable, and would look amazing peeping out of jeans. omg!

I probably have more loves, but can't summon them to mind as of now.

If anyone has any adidas loves, pls tell me!

xx. J

Monday, April 18, 2011

Street spotted!

the other day at work, one of my best friends decided to pay me a visit, Nicky!
he and Joy stopped by to stay hi :DI insisted on taking their picture cause I thought they looked super cool XDJoy had on a jacket with a ripped-ish white dress which looked super nice on her, but I would never be able to pull off. *coughjealouscough*
And she tottered around on sky-high black pump heels.
super well put together no?
I completely spaced that I should've probably asked where she got everything ._.

Joy looked super awesome. And apparently that day on the streets they were asked if they could have their picture taken for another fashion blog.
Aiseh, they look like they would be a super good couple can.
nicky looking supa sharp :3
his jacket is vintage
his super cool leather tie was a gift.
super jealous cause I would love a leather tie too.
thing is with ties and girls, there is a fine line between fashionable and looking like Avril Lavigne from her SK8TER BOI phase.
safety pin in ear for good measure.
redsocks + all black converse.

converse are the best la ok. hands down. anything goes.


I acquired a new pair of sunnies recently!
this is my first pair of branded sunnies and me loves,
its from Marc By Marc Jacobs
this is just a really quick snap of it.
its, I guess you would call it turtleshell... coloured? for the frame.
what I've been searching for is a pair of turtle shells because they're just so.. classic and go with practically everything.
picture credits: BVLGARI

this was the pair I've been eye-ing for about... 5 coming to 6 years now? I wanted to go buy it but now its gone. so. I have to keep dreaming I suppose.

Its from bvlgari and has swarovski crystals down the side.

the reason I wanted specifically this pair and nothing else is because it fits my face perfect. like PERFECT. I still want this pair and hope to get it.

I don't really change glasses, I own 2 pairs now. The other one from mango.

I generally prefer to get branded sunnies, I mean, I'll be using them for a long time and so I wanna know they're not going to fall apart on me randomly. and also because of the UV protection, which I find is super important.

and just a random accessories sidenote on what I had on today:
studded cuff, HK ($4)
acrylic army print bow, Paris (10euro)
top rings F21 ($7)
botton rings Primark (4pounds I THINK)

xx. J

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

outfit post

I have gone out a few times already thinking, okay today I'll take a picture of what I'm wearing and actually post it. but I totally forget when I'm out.

so I decided to quickly take before I left the house yesterday, thinking I'll get a proper full body photo outside. obviously I didn't -_-

this is what I would wear for a lazy day out.

because I didn't put much thought into what I wore I picked a few accessories to at least look like I didn't just roll out of bed.

Here I have:
-Rosary from The Vatican (Roma)
-LOVELOVELOVE plastic bangle from a set I got in HK, which was super ex, $40SGD
-black and white diamond ring thing, about $4 I think.

I just piled on what I had in blackish tones.
-F21 pink flower ring, $10 I think?
-And a punkish bracelet from peninsula, cause I roll like that.

-hello kitty earstuds from claire's which I bought in Zurich.

Claire's is actually a french brand which is alot like Accesorize, I really like both of them! super cute designs, which are unique but their prices are abit scary at times. but come sales, hoho.

-the golden rabbit with dangling legs I got in HK.
-faux diamontee dangle earring from this random cheap ass store in Berlin, it was like 50eurocents for a pair.

honestly, I didn't wear this stuff on the occasion of going out, I have had these studs/earrings in for I would think a week now? I like just putting everything together to see what you get.this pendant I've had since forever, I think I got it when I was in holiday in thailand like eons ago. I tend to only buy pendants, and like put them on a velvet string. I like chokers!
make up for the day super simple, shimmerish pinkish-white with eyeliner.
my hellokitty jumper thing I got from H&M when I was in hongkong, I wear this on rainy days cause its abit thick.

xx. J

Monday, April 4, 2011

Men's Fashion Week!!!

I was lucky enough to score tickets to one of the shows in men's fashion week!
ikr, how lucky am I :D

this men's fashion week thing is a pretty frikkin' huge deal because the first showing is in Paris, followed by Milan, and then SINGAPORE.

can you imagine? Singapore 3rd in line before New York and all the other big countries. GO singapore!

the show I went for was Canali.
its a lux italian men's wear label, I to be honest have never heard of it, probably because I'm so terrible with label names and the like.

this is the first FASHIONWEEK show I've ever been invited to, so I went super eager to see what people WEAR to such events.

so this is what my friend Zameer wore, except the jacket is mine :D

omg his stocking are shocking. his tweet for the day went something like:

my outfit looks ridiculous, loves it!

he is the one who got me tickets, so superfrikkingrateful.

my frikkin awesome vintage (which is just another word for secondhand) jacket! and my customised zara bag which I blogged about an earlier post.this post!

Eve wore super accessories that night and her nails damn cute :3
Zameer's accessories!
walking in its this huge.... for lack of a better word, EXPO LOOKING HALL, at the side an elevated platform thing for VIPs only.
pfft. VIP area, who wants to be there?
with the free food.......

.... the champagne

.... the drinks

...... hmph!

before the show
actual media and poser media :D
black curtain where we enter from, the big boards in the front of it, which are hidden from this side, the ones that say MEN'S FASHION WEEK, where they checked tickets at,
like forward,

we were wondering if anyone got like, smashed, but we heard no screams so all was good.

everyone freaked out and tried to make it stand again, but gave up and propped it against the wall. this lead into the discussion of how badly fashion week was organised. I only went for this show so I really wouldn't know, but honestly being 3rd to receive men's fashion week, I did expect... alot more.

the runway before everyone is seated

here you can see that the white board, previously standing, has been now propped against the left wall.I WAS SITTING ACROSS FROM EDUARDO SAVERIN, aka. one of the Creators of this thing you might have heard of, Facebook.

he apparently lives in Singapore now, and even though he had no relation to fashion at all, is at the shows :D


show begins.

during the show there were a few models that.... walked abit strangely.

posed really strangely too XD
show ends!
it was really quick, feels quicker watching a show, than being back stage, trust me.
all in all, its a lux label so not too much design to rave about, the models had black suede shoes that Nicky adored.

I saw a jacket that I adore, brown suede from what I could see, with a jersey lining and a fur trimmed hoodie.
been looking for a picture of it but I can't find one D:

While walking out, was stopped to be interviewed by FashionTV
the girl stopped me, when she said FashionTV, I was so shocked I went all shy and kinda looked abit like a COMPLETE idiot.

so if you DO happen to see me on fashionTV please don't judge me!

I said 'I love FashionTV' really shy. so I don't think they'll use the footage anyway.

so thats my brief fashion week encounter (:

xx. Jade