So I went down to Soul club (old supperclub) last thursday cause there was to be a runway show, the Limited Edition Kicks fashion show, featuring shoes and stuff by Adidas, Nike, Puma and a few others.
I went there with the intention to BUY, IF they had the shoes I wanted. I have been raving about this pair since I got back from Europe cause I only found out of its existence when I saw my friend walking around with GlowInTheDark shoes, by Nike.

I later found out that adidas have just released a pair, and even better? with wings. because they're by Jeremy Scott.
WAH. seriously, could you imagine a cooler shoe?

look at thoses babies go.
So I went online to hunt for this shoe and came back super disheartened, because I had missed the shoe coming to singapore by, 2 weeks. seriously. omg. and now if I still want the pair, of course I could get it, but at $350 ish USD? money which, simply put, I literally do not have.
So I went to this show at soul hoping and praying they had it, sadly, when I got there I didn't see it. I did however see the see-through adidas by JS, on display.

collected from sneakernews
When I saw this pair online for the first time, I was like, ZOMG SO KEWLS. but then I realised after, no one would really notice you have transparent shoes on, because you would be wearing socks, and ontop of that you can't wear ratty socks cause everyone would be able to see the holes in them.
not sexy.
but its still a sexy shoe, I would wear it out in a heartbeat.
When I saw this pair online for the first time, I was like, ZOMG SO KEWLS. but then I realised after, no one would really notice you have transparent shoes on, because you would be wearing socks, and ontop of that you can't wear ratty socks cause everyone would be able to see the holes in them.
not sexy.
but its still a sexy shoe, I would wear it out in a heartbeat.
here are a few pictures of the show, courtesy from the girls at Lolitalane
I sadly didn't think to bring my camera that night, was too preoccupied with thinking about the possibility of getting the shoes I wanted.
see through FBTs 0_0
the overall feel of the show, was very....
all the words that you would expect.
some of the models were great though, really getting into whole mood and bringing the energy up.
the stylist was super bright colours and at one point, some of the models came out in boxers and such. not too sure where that was going.
the make up, was super amazing though.

Claris from Lolitalane was wearing the Pink Bears by JS.
I think the bears are adorable and all, but I wouldn't push it by wearing the pink version of this shoe. the brown ones would do fine.
the night was fun. would have been awesome to win the shoes, so I could sell them, and buy my glow in the dark jeremy scotts. :3
shallt stop complaining.
to finish this post off, would just like to share a couple of the things I've loved from adidas,

I don't know how to express how much I love this hoodie, when I was young, all I wanted to do was get a full back of angel wings tattooed, I kinda still do.
I've still always had this obsession with wings, freedom and this hoodie totally would do it for me. like love.
another thing I found from adidas, and mind you I saw this one in real life, and loved it. not realising what it was.

its like. ohmygawdwhatthefuck kinda cute. I saw it going for like 700 euros though, I later went home to search for information on it.
This was a special edition done for Vday.
its just so frikkin adorable, and would look amazing peeping out of jeans. omg!
I probably have more loves, but can't summon them to mind as of now.
If anyone has any adidas loves, pls tell me!
xx. J